One of the best ways to make new friends, strengthen relationships, and make a difference in our community is to volunteer at one of the many wonderful nonprofit organizations in our town. Several of the organizations listed below directly impact our children’s education… and many offer opportunities where children can come along (and volunteer), too!
www.heartspw.orgHEARTS: Helping Enrich the ARTS in Port Washington is an independent, grassroots not-for-profit community organization whose mission is to add meaningful value to children’s lives and our community by supporting, promoting and enriching the arts in Port Washington and it’s public schools. HEARTS is well known for it’s annual fundraiser, PortFest, a family festival featuring local artists, musicians, and performers of all ages.
For more information on how to get involved, contact:
Parent Resource Center
232 Main Street, Suite 4, Port Washington, NY | 516.767.3808The Parent Resource Center (PRC) is a Parent Co-Op in Port that offers classes for children ages 0-5 (caregiver & me, partial separation and separation classes), open play, moms night out, parenting support, social events, summer camp and vacation workshops. While the PRC is a terrific resource for every Port parent with young kids, the Center’s Outreach Program is what makes it extraordinarily special. The Outreach Program provides children from low-income families in surrounding areas with early-childhood classes and is the only one of it’s kind in the area.
For more information on how to get involved, contact:
PWMama Tip: The PRC is where I met my first friends in Port (at the Mother’s of Infants class). Because of that, I’ll forever feel indebted to this wonderful gem of an organization in our town. The PRC *does* need some TLC though. My first “give back” project was to redo (in DIY fashion) a room… then the hallway… then their website. Whatever your talent, inspiration, or motivation, there’s so many opportunities to make a difference.
The Ed. Foundation
www.pwef.orgThe Ed. Foundation is an independent, grass-roots, nonprofit that supports initiatives that are beyond basic educational needs to enhance and expand opportunities for Port students from (universal) pre-K to the 12th Grade. There are so many ways to help. Fundraise, write a grant, attract corporate sponsors, donate goods/services, help with administrative tasks and participate at their fun (and out-of-the-box) events.
For more information on how to get involved, contact:
Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington
382 Main St, Port Washington, NY | 516.767.9151Since it’s start, “Residents” has been committed to creating a strong, unified and sustainable community in Port Washington and the surrounding areas. Each of Residents’ programs aim to protect the environment, enhance the quality of life and increase environmental awareness on the entire Port/Manhasset/Roslyn peninsula. Some of my favorite Residents’ projects include the water play area at Blumenfeld Family Park, the Shoreline Trail, The Keep Main Street Clean campaign, and (what I’m very excited for) their plans for Main Street Revitalization.
For more information on how to get involved, contact: 516.767.9151