About Me

Amanda and Layla

Welcome, and thanks for visiting Port Washington Mama. Growing up in Garden City, I always knew that Long Island was full of family friendly activities but it wasn’t until I moved from the City back to the ‘burbs and had a baby of my own that I realized just how much there was to do! One of the biggest hurdles was just finding out about (and keeping track of) it all.

This site is my attempt to share all that Port Washington, the North Shore, and beyond has to offer. It will be updated as our little family continues to explore and we get feedback from our readers. Also, “like” portwashingtonmama on facebook to get reviews and more details about upcoming events and follow me on pinterest to find out about family friendly vacation spots, weeknight recipes, favorite baby products and more.
If you have a favorite place, space, or activity that you think other mama’s would enjoy, please contact me at portwashingtonmama@gmail.com.

Thanks, and hope you visit again soon!